MJK Memorial Fund

The Melanie Jane Kelly Memorial Fund was established in recognition of Mel Kelly’s significant contribution to conservation for over 25 years. Mel was a passionate, caring, positive force in conservation. She had an amazing ability to inspire others and bring them together to achieve environmental outcomes across the State.

The Melanie Jane Kelly Memorial Fund aims to continue to support Mel’s vision for new ideas and making practical projects happen by:

  • Supporting trail blazing women who have a project they need support to kick off or to keep something important rolling, or to support travel to learn more from international colleagues.

  • Focusing on conservation scent detection dogs and practical ideas to support conservation action in NRM.

See the 2025 applications and finalists

The first round of the application and award process for the MJK Memorial Fund opened at the start of 2025 and closed 21 February 2025. Thank you to all the applicants who submitted an application. The grant will be awarded to the successful applicant in March 2025 at the Women in Conservation Event.

Interested to help the fund to grow and support more women into conservation?

Help us grow and promote the MJK Memorial Fund:

  • Donate – consider annual and/or legacy (bequest) contributions

  • Share the MJK Memorial Fund with a wide audience

  • Put your thinking caps on for project ideas.

  • Encourage people who this might help to pursue a great idea.

For further information about MJK Memorial Fund application process contact: Josie Kelman 0427 044 700 or Mel Fazackerley 0410 511 054

Donate to the Melanie Jane Kelly Memorial Fund

Please note that donations are not currently tax deductible.