Call for Committee Expressions of Interest
The East Coast Catchments Steering Committee, established by the Landscape Recovery Foundation with support from Glamorgan Spring Bay Council, provides community leadership, local expertise, advice, and strategic guidance on natural resource management (NRM) across Glamorgan Spring Bay.
Our current committee consists of dedicated local community members, many of whom served on the former GSBC Section 24 NRM committee. They bring extensive NRM experience and represent diverse community interests. This group has been instrumental in shaping the Glamorgan Spring Bay NRM & Climate Resilience Strategy.
We are now inviting expressions of interest from individuals wishing to join the committee and help guide the successful implementation of the strategy. We seek members who collectively represent a diverse range of skills, experience, and community perspectives, including:
Geographic coverage across the East Coast Catchments
Industry expertise in primary production (agriculture, forestry, aquaculture, commercial fishing, viticulture)
Community representation on conservation and land management
Tourism and local business knowledge
Cultural heritage awareness
Communications and marketing skills
Finance and fundraising experience
Stakeholder engagement and partnership development
Interested in joining us?
Please send a cover letter and CV to, clearly outlining:
Your specific interest in Tasmania’s East Coast
How your background and experience will strengthen the committee, supporting community connections and informed strategic advice for the NRM program
Your ability to effectively communicate and raise community awareness about NRM activities and issues
For further information, please email